Current Projects

  • Couponing like crazy!
  • Turning Junk into Treasure!
  • Saving Plastic Bottles from Landfills!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Bins and such

We had crazy rain this morning and I am blaming said rain for the lack of coupons in the recycling bins. I stopped by twice, ended up with about a tenth of what I normally get on a Monday. We will head back tomorrow.

I am still spring cleaning. Does it EVER end??? I sorted and cleaned out our tupperware and lids. If it didn't have a partner, it was going to go bye bye... until I realized that I just might have a purpose for these tupperware orphans. I kept 3 that were the perfect size for organizing my hair things; rubberbands, bobby pins and barettes, and claw clips. I've been wanting to clean up that mess for a very long time and now, thanks to cleaning another mess, I can cross it off my list!
My point: pick one cupboard or drawer each day to clean out, declutter, and organize. Think through each item before you decide to keep or toss it. Anything that can be used by someone else, PLEASE donate to your local thrift store or church donation center!!! It is a travesty how many things end up in the trash that someone else would be happy to have.  
I put several cuttings and shoots from various shrubs into water last night. I am excited to see if they will become viable plants for my yard. I've never done this before, so wish me luck!!!
Ps. Are you working on your inventory?

1 comment:

  1. Get some root stimulator if you don't have any yet and you will have more success!
