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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What can you do?

Time is money!
 If you are a stay at home mom like myself, it's easy to forget that what we are doing; raising kids, tending a house and creating a home, is actually a 'job.' Our 'pay' is definitely different and so are the hours, but it is still a job that we do and therefore, every minute counts!
 If you are a working mom, then those minutes count double!!! I've been thinking a lot about what I can do to make more time for myself for relaxing or reading, etc. In the research I've done so far, it really all comes down to systems and time management.. and a whole lot of common sense!
 The first new thing that I have implemented in my daily life that will save me time and frustration is this:
Don't put it down. Put it AWAY!
Often, I will grow piles and piles of papers, toys, clothes, and other bits and pieces all around my house. I'm betting you do the same. Finally, when we can't stand the mess any longer, we jump into the pile and spend one to several hours returning things to their proper places and junking what needs to be junked.
How great would it be if there we never any piles to deal with?! I'm not 100% there yet, but my desk and my printer table are there! And it's been a LONG TIME since you could see any of the actual surface of either of these.
What has made the difference?! FILING IMMEDIATELY! I have lots of customer reciepts, bills, statements, cards, letters, etc. We all do! Instead of piling them on the desk, counter, table, PUT THEM AWAY! Read the card or letter, chuck it if it isn't important. File it if it matters enough to keep. Do it right away! The bills are paid? Great! Now file those statements! No more dropping into a pile to be sorted at a "later date!" It takes literally less than a minute and will save you hours each year.
Don't wait!!! Start today and enjoy the benefits!

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