Current Projects

  • Couponing like crazy!
  • Turning Junk into Treasure!
  • Saving Plastic Bottles from Landfills!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I really hate having to stick to a budget sometimes! There are so many great deals I want to take advantage of today but I just can't do it. Must stick to the budget!! My fabulous mother in law lent me a book last night that I am really excited about: Debt-Free on Any Income.
I am really excited to get into it and get us out of debt. We don't have lots of debt luckily. We have been pretty good about it since we got married, but to have our debt off of our shoulders would be almost as good as winning the elusive Publisher's Clearing house prize that I keep dreaming about.
I will let you know how the program works for me. It's worth a try! At least until I win that prize money. :)
My husband's hours were cut again so again I am working as creatively as possible to stretch the dollars. I'm allowing $20 each week for household or clothing, etc needs. And $30 for groceries. It is time to pull out all of the stops folks!
We decided I am going to work on finishing my degree, starting this summer, after the baby is born and I have recovered. It is always good to have a back up plan, just in case. I really don't want to work, but sometimes  you gotta do what you gotta do. Let's see if we can get creative enough with coupons and deals to stay out of the work place! Good luck to us all! This recession has to end eventually!!  :)
Off to Walmart to spend my $9!

1 comment:

  1. good luck. i also love dave ramsey for getting out of debt. it has helped me tons. i have to work even though i would rather not. it works for us to have me home during the days and work 3 to 4 days a week while my husband watches the kids.
