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  • Couponing like crazy!
  • Turning Junk into Treasure!
  • Saving Plastic Bottles from Landfills!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How to Pay for Christmas??

 It's that time again!! How are we going to pay for Christmas?? So many people to get presents for and so many activities we want to take part in. It all costs money! Well, here are a few ways that I am making sure that our Christmas festivities do not cut into our regular family budget!


Have you filled any prescriptions at Kmart lately?? I am transferring 4 (the limit) prescriptions that I have to fill every month anyway, to Kmart's pharmacy. With every prescription transferred, you can get up to $25 on a Kmart gift card to use in store. Up to $100.00!!! How cool is that?? Especially if you are like me and have to spend that much every month on prescriptions anyway! Nice to get a bit of it back. I am using the gift cards to finish up our kids' gifts.
Ps. Kmart is not the only pharmacy that offers gift cards for transfers. I know Rite Aid does as well along with several others.

-Facebook Indoor Yard Sale Sites/KSL Classifieds, etc.

Do you have last year's winter clothes and boots that don't fit the kids this year? Or maybe seasonal dvd's and videos you can do without or have replaced with blu-ray? Maybe you bought some fun clearance ornaments last year and don't really need them. All of these items and more are great for the now popular and effective indoor yard sale sites on facebook. They are selling like hot cakes right now!! You can also hit the classified websites and craigslist, etc. Unused items that are taking up space in your home are a great source of Christmas money!

-Scrap Metal

This one is good all year long but now is a great time to do it! Right before the snow hits! Get all that scrap out of your yard and not only will you not have to think about it rusting all over your patio, but you will have extra cash in your pocket!

-Overage on coupons

There are so many great coupons this time of year that work beautifully with all the seasonal sales. One awesome thing that often results from this perfect storm, is the opportunity for overage! This requires buying your coupon items in bulk, so that the overage adds up and can then be used toward your gifts. The Payson Smiths, Walmart, and some Kmarts allow overage. Find out if your store does too and then gather up your coupons!!

Christmas, of course, is not all about the material gifts. It is about our Savior and His birth, a beautiful gift to the world. But let's be honest, we're gonna buy some stuff. So why not try to spend as little as possible?! And then, when you have all that out of the way, you will have the time and peace of mind to sit and enjoy your family and the glow of Christmas, without worrying about how you're going to pay off your credit cards!
Happy shopping, friends!!

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